Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blinded by the Light

During last night's game, the TBS broadcasting crew of Skip Carey, Tony Gwynn and Bob Brenly showed the most amazing lack of preparation that I've seen this side of Tim McCarver. They kept on talking about the speed of Chein Ming Wang's sinker. They all commented that he was throwing it in the mid ninties and that he needed to slow it down in order to get better sinking action on the ball. However, if they had ever seen Wang pitch before (and they did in game 1 of the series), they should have been aware of the fact that he is the hardest thrower on the Yankees starting staff. He consistently throws his sinker in the mid nineties and has for the past three years. Somehow that fact escaped them all. He actually threw a good one at 94 mph and they commented that he was finally slowing his pitches down and getting some sink on the ball. Carmona, the Indians starter also throws a power sinker and I don't remember them complaining that he was throwing too hard as his pitches reached the mid-nineties on Friday night. Seriously guys, it's the playoffs. It would be nice if you knew something about the players you're covering.



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